Part 2: In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe gracefully endures a Chuntorial
Update 2: In which The Cutest Idol in the Universe gracefully endures a ChuntorialGreetings and Salutations, everyone! Lets see what a New Game gets us, shall we?

Give a girl a break, wont you? We might have just been stabbed probably!

The girl greeting us is Kotori Minami, a fellow member of µ's. Shes a second year at Otonokizaka High School, so a junior to Nico by a year. Nicos not actually 40 years old, but a third year; I threw in 25 years running as 25 can be read as Ni Co in japanese. Sorry.


Nico doesnt seem to command much respect from her juniors. Maybe its because shes the shortest one in µ's?
Anyway, Lets

We found a Chunslime! Well be seeing lots of these. The eagle(heh)-eyed viewers might have picked up it has the same hair tuft as Kotori. Shes associated with birds in general, since her name can be read as little bird. Why Chun instead of like, chirp? I dunno, theyre weird like that. (・8・)

Alright, lets get into how combat works in this game. You press [Z] after pressing Fight! to fight, I suppose. The yellow boxes show how many successes you need to completely fill the white bar next to it with red, ending the encounter. Got all that? No? Great! Because Nico didnt either.

Just smack em.

It turns out violence ISN'T the solution. Bummer.

Our attack has been replaced with Nico Nico Nii!, Nicos signature catchphrase. The japanese word for Smile can also be read nico, so the catchphrase is a cross between that, Nicos name, and an appeal to diehard fans of the number 25252.


So, lets actually get to how combat works in this game. The yellow squares signify how many times we need to sing to their heart in a Live (attack string), and fill the right bar with red. Once its full, well have brought a smile to their face and the encounter is over. Note that we dont actually know how hard itll be to put that smile on their face until we convey our feelings at least once, just like real life. Luckily, we dont need to worry about that just yet...

As were the #1 Cutest Idol in the Universe.

And so our grand journey begins! Our two options are Search, which searches for enemies, and Stairs, which is crossed out. Presumably we must Search for the Stairs, but first

Lets check our menu!
Spend Some NP, Nico! posted:
Singing - Increases Live accuracy.
Dancing - More moves during Lives.
Charisma - More effective Nico Nico Niis.
Buy a Hand Mirror! - Recover health by looking at cuteness.
Increase Cuteness! - Makes Nico even cuter.

Hm? How much does Increasing Cuteness cost? Nothing? Thats a steal!

Its also moot, as Nico is already the cutest. Duh.

The enemies on this floor are all Chunslimes: only need to be sung to once, no chance to fail, only one Nico Nico Nii to smile.

You can beat them by accident while mashing Search, honestly.

Finding the stairs is random in a predetermined range, so assuming that youre playing optimally you cant get screwed by RNG. Probably.

Might as well, right?

A new floor! Theres more enemies to encounter in the tutorial, but I didnt see them in-game so here they are now: Our Angle and uor Devil.
Good Chunslime and Bad Chunslime posted:

On the way, I

Chunslime Instructor is actually cut content re-added by the translator. Theyre there to tell you that in this game you can run away since you only take damage after your Live.

Its got more than four times the boxes as the boss here, and is unperturbed by our Nico Nico Niis. The first comment they got back after this addition was that they were dying to strong enemies. You can take a horse to water, but you cant make it read?

Your HP slowly recovers by Searching, or quickly recovers by using a Hand Mirror. I did neither, which Ill soon regret...

Since Floor 4 is the boss of the tutorial.

Gaze upon my pecs, and Despair.

This isnt like some of the Fire Emblem games, where they average two numbers to get the actual hit range. 5% sounds negligible until it isnt, and if you needed it not to die, thems the breaks.

This was in fact my fault however. If I just went to Level 4, I could have had an extra dance to make up for the miss or just perfect accuracy in general. I also wouldve had a full heal from the level itself and maybe even some mirrors for healing. Note that a Nico Nico Nii cuts the Live short regardless, so well have wasted 2 sings either way.

Turns out we needed those. Generally, if weve found the stairs on the penultimate floor, we can afford to grind until the Alpacas neck almost gives out.

The reason this is a SSLP instead of a VLP is so that I can cover up my numerous, numerous mistakes.

Nico Yazawa Has Died, Again. Well, see you all next Update!

Just kidding. The alpacas neck grows back when depleted as well, so if you really really wanted to for some reason you could grind here forever.

I actually missed again after the death, but letting things like facts get in the way of my narrative is for people who know what theyre doing.

A nice tutorial! I cleared this first try on my first playthrough. Oh god, am I getting worse!?

Oh, wow! A certificate! Thats not even a reward in-universe!

But we got an idols signature so actually its okay in the end really
And a hearty cheer welcomes us back to

The clubroom! Heres our hub world, where we can interact with the rest of µ's. Next update, well see whos conspicuously missing from there!